How to add Dogechain Mainnet RPC to MetaMask RPCs?
Before adding your network, you will need to have MetaMask set up on your web browser or phone. If this is your first time, you can download MetaMask here.
Network Name
Dogechain Mainnet
Chain ID
Currency Symbol
Steps to Add Dogechain Mainnet to MetaMask manually
- We will use the above mentioned information on Network name, RPC URL, Chain ID and Currency Symbol to add the network manually.
- Open MetaMask.
- Go to the top right circle icon, find where it says Settings, click on it. Now located where it says Networks, select that and click on where it says “Add Network”.
- You will be redirected to another page listing down several networks. If you don’t find your chosen network there, scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says “Add a Network Manually”. Click on it.
- You’ll be taken to a page that asks for Network Name, RPC URL, Chain ID and Currency Symbol. You can skip out the Blockchain Explorer field.
- Copy the values from the box above and paste them in the empty fields. Then hit “Save”. You will have successful added your choice of network to MetaMask manually.
- The success message will ask you to switch to your successfully added choice of network. Switch to it and when you can check on the top middle of the app, your network will be added.